Asheville Christian Academy ACT/SAT Bootcamp

Course Details:

Asheville Christian Academy ACT/SAT Bootcamp

July 30th – August 1st, 2025

Price: $399.00 (Coupons applied at checkout)

3-Day,  20-Hour Weekend Schedule

Wednesday, July 30th:       1 PM to 5:30 PM

Thursday, July 31st:            9 AM to 6 PM (lunch 1 – 2)

Friday, August 1st:            9 AM to 6 PM (lunch 1 – 2)

Two (2) weeks prior to the camp we’ll email you

with the details  for the class. 

If you do not see this email, please check your

spam folder/Gmail Promotions tab.



  • Student Details

    So we can let parents and students know the specific bootcamp details: times, location, and what to bring.

  • Online Supplemental Class Options

    Along with the weekend bootcamps, we offer 6 months of online access to all the lesson material, videos, and additional practice tests with step by step walk-through explanations for each question. These six month courses are normally $399 when purchased alone but can be bundled at a discounted price with the weekend bootcamp.

    Any online options will include our Summer Email Program where students will receive daily ACT/SAT practice problems. The entire ACT or SAT tutorials are broken down on a day-by-day schedule over the Summer so that students are prepared for those final Senior year test dates.
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SKU: 250730Asheville Category: